Open Gaming


6:00 pm–1:00 am

10:00 am–1:00 am

10:00 am–1:00 am

10:00 am–6:00 pm

Closing hours may be extended at the discretion of the convention staff.

Do you have a complex game you’d love to bring to the table and you’re looking for experienced players?

Would you like to introduce a new group of gamers to one of your favorites?

Not sure what you want to play and are just looking for something new?

Come join us in our game room. Enjoy TCEP’s own games library, the libraries of your fellow gamers, or bring your own favorite games and find players to play them! We provide plenty of tables and chairs in a comfortable environment.

If you would like to plan ahead rather than just trying to organize a game on the fly, we have a Game Signup area where you can announce the game you would like to run, when you want to plan to play it, and how many players you want/need. We’ll provide the game signup sheets! Post your game and let players reserve a chair at your table.

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